Every week for over four years, the Society for Learning Ukulele Group (SLUG) had been playing magical musical melodies together in-person. Then came COVID, which put playing in-person on-hold. So how did this passionate group of retired individuals continue to learn and play from a distance? Afterall, making retirement meaningful by staying close was perhaps more important than ever.
Harmony from a distance
Practicing and playing music from a distance is challenging, even in the best of times. For the ukulele group, sharing the most up-to-date versions of their songs virtually was cumbersome. They tried email, but with so many messages flying around, the group quickly found themselves out of sync. Not to mention that their songbook—a physical binder of master copies—wasn’t accessible either. Other solutions they looked at were either too expensive or too complicated. Then they discovered Sync. "I found Sync. I opened an account and played with it for a couple of hours. I knew we had our solution." – Kathleen Hazelwood
Safety, simplicity, and successful sharing
The group moved their songbook into Sync, and with Sync Links, they now access the most up-to-date versions of all their latest material and notes all from one place. Point and click with zero learning curve, which makes it easy. "I simply upload a new or changed song file and send out a link to the group," said Hazelwood. "The SLUGs now have access to our songbook from home, the cottage, or wherever."
Cost was an important factor too. "I knew there was a better way, but we didn't have any budget," said Hazelwood. Sync fit in perfectly with their budget as a non-profit, giving them tools they need without breaking the bank.
Sync also hit the right note in terms of backups. "Our catalogue of songs now resides in my Sync account," Hazelwood said. "I don't have to worry about backing up data!" Automatic backups to the cloud keeps their music safer than the physical binder ever did. That combined with file recovery gives Hazelwood complete peace of mind.
As COVID restrictions loosened a bit later on, the group was able to play in-person again, and Hazelwood discovered that Sync is still very useful. "I have the app on my phone, and now that we can meet in-person again, I can access the latest version of the music instantly."
As they go back to normal, Sync remains a part of it
In times of separation, having something that brings people together the way music does is so important. The SLUGs proved that their shared passion for learning can overcome any challenge. As they know well, you’re never too old to reach your goals, learn something new, or enrich the lives of everyone around you.
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